Our Approach
The impacts of a rapidly changing world on the artisanal fishing sector become increasingly significant as we move forward towards the middle of the century.
This sector therefore has no choice, so we have to develop a new vision for the control and capture of fisheries, but at AGILTECH innovation is in our genes.
We offer an innovative solution specifically designed for artisanal fishing. It is a satellite tracking and control beacon
“We have already deployed it successfully in the waters of the the Gulf of Guinea precisely in Senegal in agreement with its government.”
Vessel Locator Beacon

The VLB™ (Vessel Locator Beacon), a high frequency positioning real-time tracking system based on GLOBALSTAR technology. Ruggedized and designed to resist to harsh sea conditions, it is totally autonomous device.
Our beacon is intended to be on board boats, fishing boats, pirogues or any floating vehicule in order to locate their movements on the water.

The AGILTRACKVMS ™ solution was designed for stakeholders involved in fisheries monitoring to allow a sustainable harvesting of marine resources.
Illegal, Unreported, Unregulated fishing is a major global threat to the long-term viability of fisheries and the preservation of healthy and productive ecosystems.
AGILTRACKVMS ™ empowers Control Authorities to monitor good fishing practice and ensure compliance of existing regulations.
The objective for AGILTECH is to offer tools and solutions to guarantee safety at sea, the sustainable management of marine resources and the real-time data control.